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Sign up now for an exciting 2024 Season!

Please find registration instructions below.  Registration deadline is Sunday May 12th, 2024.

2024 Summer T-Ball and Coach Pitch

We are proud to serve Madison, Middleton, and surrounding Madison, WI communities by providing recreational T-Ball and Coach Pitch baseball leagues at Wexford Park in Madison, WI.  We feel that we have one of the best grassroots youth programs in our area, and hope that your children and family enjoy your time as a part of our organization.  Any child entering 4K to Third Grade in the Fall 2024 is welcome to join the league.  We have no geographic limitations.

A Tuesday evening league for children who in the fall will enter 4K, kindergarten, or first grade.

  • Starts Tuesday, June 4th
  • Final Game Tuesday, July 30th
  • No game on July 2nd
Machine Pitch / Coach Pitch
A Thursday evening league for children who in the fall will enter first, second, or third grade.
  • Starts Thursday, June 6th
  • Final Game Thursday, August 1st
  • No game on July 4th

Registration deadline is Sunday, May 12th, 2024

The $50 registration fee includes a cool licensed MLB team T-shirt and hat for each child.  Your registration fee also pays for league equipment and expenses.

All games are played at Wexford Park at either 5:30 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. Each team is scheduled to play eight games. No games are scheduled for the week of July 4th (Week of July 1-5).

This league is focused on encouraging kids to have fun while learning the basics of baseball.  We will try to place your child on the team of at least one friend he/she indicated on the registration form.  However, there is no guarantee that we can make all friend requests due to team size limits, scheduling, and coaching needs.   

To register, by May 12th, 2024 please:

  1. Complete one registration form for each child being registered,
  2. The form should automatically notify the admin so no further email communication is needed.
  3. Electronically pay the registration fee by (A) selecting the number of children being registered in the drop down and (B) clicking on your preferred payment button (PayPal, Venmo, etc.) to securely pay using PayPal (the link is located at the right under “Payment” below “League News”).

Please submit one registration form and one registration fee for each child. The deadline for registration is May 12th, 2024. Please note, you will not have a spot reserved until you complete all three of the steps listed above.

We cannot guarantee a spot in the league after the registration deadline.

Team rosters, coach information, and schedules will be distributed to team coaches around May 24th.

If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please contact Nick Brown at

Please consider coaching. We are a volunteer organization with no paid employees. The success of our league is due to the contributions of our volunteers.